What is the difference with the “NEXT GEN’s” Broadcast In-Car Camera vs. The “Webcam”/Digital Camera?
Biggest difference between the two cameras are the Broadcast In-Car Cameras “make air” through paid sponsorship with FOX, Amazon Prime, TNT/MAX, NBC, and CW. The “webcam” is used on the streaming service of MAX to enhance a second viewing option for fans. The Broadcast In-Car Camera system has four cameras, supported by network’s graphics and decals to be used for the millions watching. The “webcam” is one camera locked down forward facing through the front windshield. No decals can be placed on the dash of a “webcam”. **ONLY in rare occasions will the “webcam” make network “air” to tell the story of a penalty, wreck, or on track incident.
Do all four in-car cameras produce an image at the same time?
This is probably the most misunderstood idea regarding the in-car camera. Two video signals are being sent from a broadcast in-car camera system. The “Dual Path” system was introduced in 2011 by Broadcast Sports, Inc. (NEP) When a network uses these systems, a combo of shots can be sent from the race car. Normally networks have the driver shot locked as a video path the whole race, allowing the roof camera, front bumper camera, rear bumper camera and a 4th camera option to be switched. Currently testing is going on to try and produce more than two video images out of the race car. Ex: Watching a driver drive through a wreck while we also watch the roof camera angle.
How does the in-car camera get a signal from the car to viewers’ televisions?
Broadcast Sports Incorporated (BSI) (NEP) has mastered this process in many forms of auto racing. The signal leaves the race car on the track to receive sites of a “ground-base” system located around and above the race track. (The “ground-base” replaces the former way of sending a signal to a helicopter) From the receive sites of the “ground-base” the signal travels to BSI’s production truck located inside the TV compound located at the track. BSI then deliverers the signal to the network covering the event to where the network incorporates the cameras into the show. The show presentation is then sent through fiber eventually arriving to your television.
How many cameras are in each race car?
Four cameras are placed in a standard NASCAR broadcast in-car camera racing package. A roof camera, driver shot, and bumper camera are the standard three. The fourth camera is placed in a race car as a “trick shot”, example of this is a foot shot at a road course, front bumper camera, helmet cam, side panner, 360º camera etc.
How does a sponsor/team obtain an in-car camera system for a NASCAR Craftsman Truck, Xfinity or Cup Series race?
A sponsor/team can obtain in-car cameras systems by making a media buy with FOX, Amazon Prime, TNT/MAX, NBC, or CW OR by doing a “one-off” in-car camera purchase through Sports & Entertainment Media, LLC.
When does the camera system get installed into the race car?
In-Car Cameras are installed normally the very first time the garage opens for that particular weekend and series.
Does the sponsor or team get a copy of the camera footage from a particular race?
A copy of the in-car camera footage is available to the race team after that particular event has been run. NASCAR Productions will assist the team with downloading camera footage from their FTP site. If a sponsor wants footage for commercial use, they must contact NASCAR Productions to negotiate rights.
How long does it take to install a camera system into a race car?
Depending on the time frame given to BSI, a car can be installed within 20-25 minutes without interruption.
What is the average exposure time a sponsor receives from an in-car camera for a given race?
In 2024 the Xfinity Series in-car cameras averaged 7 mins:07 seconds of exposure per race among 101 total cars. NASCAR Cup Series in-car cameras averaged 6 mins:00 seconds of exposure per race among 263 total cars. Exposure all determined by how a competitor runs during a race.
When we purchase a camera system do we own the camera hardware?
No, a sponsor is purchasing advertising essentially.
What guarantees are given to a sponsor or team wanting to purchase an in-car camera?
Networks would like to try and have the Xfinity Series cars obtain :30 seconds of exposure via the in-car camera for one event. With the NASCAR Cup Series, the networks like to get :45 seconds of exposure from an in-car camera. A verbal mention on-air is given to a sponsor. There is always that chance a race car has an accident or engine failure early in a race. Normally exposure reaches limit by replays in these situations, but most networks work with sponsors and teams to assure a satisfied costumer.
How much does it cost to professionally livestream a show?
This varies on what the production is. Understanding that what we do is not a production streamed from a cell phone is the first step. Price all depends on number of cameras being used, audio, lighting, graphically supported, etc. Price can vary from the very basic one camera shoot to the elaborate full production sustaining network quality imagery and sound.
Where and what events can be streamed LIVE?
Main consideration is making sure for a LIVE event that internet is viable with “up” speed no less than 20mps to produce HD video. We have streamed everything from concerts, press conferences, album release party, weddings, swim meets, baseball, basketball, dance recitals, radio shows, standup comedy, football signing day celebrations, media day content, office meetings. **Do keep in mind if internet is not capable of doing livestream a recording of the event can be streamed later once internet is suitable for speeds to handle final product.**
When having a professional video produced what are some things to consider?
The need for a quality high-end video, your budget, time, scheduling. What returns are you looking for from a video? Viral, more customers, more fans, grow a social page? Today it is easy to turn on your phone and post a video but is your brand needing more head turning “wow factor”?